I will of course make both Nic!

Looking was my modus operandi too.

I recall when our youngest daughter was asked what she wished for at Christmas when she was six.

Her reply was “I don’t know until I have looked through the Argos catalogue’!

Her older two sisters were much more conservative! 🤣😍

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Fabulous cake Nic, I will be baking this very soon.

We didn’t have catalogues at home when I was a child, so I used to pour over the Littlewood’s catalogue at a friends house....she was one of six children so everything was there!

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I’m drooling over the King Arthur catalogue, never even knew it existed. Too bad I live in Spain- they probably don’t ship here and even if they did it would be subject to tariffs and wildly expensive. Nice recipes to try though! Thanks!

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You've taken me down the rabbit hole again. I've had so much enjoyment following your links and thanks so much for the introduction to Drew Magary. I've been reading aloud parts of his take-down of the Williams Sonoma catalgue amid howls of laughter. Also - a bloody lovely cake, Nic. Thanks. xxx

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